
The last week of Esmeralda...

This past week I sold 5 more cups...A couple regulars at Copper River, Eric Craft and Phil Martin both tried their respective cups and we're glad they did. Toby (Ethan Gipp) had his second cup, Eric Potter had a cup and gave an extra $5 to the cause, and lastly Amber Kingery had one.

You can view all of these on my facebook page under the Panama Esmeralda photo album.

Sunday November 7th is our next Iuventis gathering for Imago Dei and we will decide then what we're going to do with all of the money we raised. Continue to be thinking about what we should do with it if you know a good place for it. We're open to everyone's ideas!

We need to sell the rest of the Esmeralda this week! I have about 8 cups left! By Saturday it will be too old to really be able to fully enjoy so please come in and try it out! You may not ever have a chance to try it this cheap...seriously...some places will charge upwards of $25 for a cup of this and it's just going in their pockets and not necessarily to a good story.

I'm looking forward to seeing where the story finishes with this epic tale...stay tuned!

....The Redemption of ALL Things....

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