
Appendix to recent post

For those of you who think our government, namely our current President, already does enough for the less fortunate, i'd just like to say that the idea that the government spends a major part of its budget on public assistance is a myth ( most of it actually goes to national security and defense). I could throw some numbers at you but you can look up yourself if you really want to know. But a few points for you in terms of our wealthy country...

-The U.S. less generous than most countries in terms of aid for our welfare program
-Our welfare program covers fewer people than most other countries welfare programs
-Our government is less redistributive in terms of money and aid than most other countries
-America ranks almost dead last in % given to foreign aid in terms of GDP

It's safe to say that most of these figures have to do with our dominant ideology of individualism, capitalism, meritocracy, and equal opportunity.

Just a quick bit on each of these...

individualism runs completely contrary to what Scripture teaches about community

capitalism allows pretty much everyone except those at the top get exploited without asking questions. This is true for those in the lower class and the poor in other countries especially, thanks to the rise of globalization. This also runs contrary to scripture in terms of helping those in need and treating others as you'd want to be treated. ( as well as a plethora of other commands and teaching in Scripture)

Meritocracy is the idea that you get what you deserve. This completely ignores the fact that many people are in situations that they can't help. It's a cycle of poverty and institutional discrimination that keeps many of these people in the situations they are in. We can't ignore this reality!

And our idea of equal opportunity is hardly true. We may like to think this is the case, but again it ignores the fact that many people really don't have equal opportunity because the gateway to those opportunities are education and jobs, which are considerably lacking in areas of people in poverty.

America the beautiful. God's country. A city on a hill.


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