
"mind" blowing...

We have the mind of Christ.

John Bussone, a good friend and brother of Christ, spoke at Full Volume the other night. He talked about having Christ in you, in me, in everyone of us that follows Christ. He talked about truth...and how the Bible may be all true and contain maybe 20-30000 "truths" in it. But we, as followers of Christ, have the mind of Christ because He LIVES IN US.

Therefore, we have an infinite amount of truths in us, just wainting to be discovered and lived out. That's why we need each other, that's why Jesus stress's community so much. the more we are together, the more we will grow because of that truth coming out. BUT, you can only go as far as you will allow someone to explore the Christ in you, the truth IN YOU.

So let us explore one another...we NEED each other to grow! Dare i say we need each other more than the Bible? I think i would say that, Paul discusses it in Colassions and you never see the Bible point to itself as the reference of truth, it ALWAYS points to Jesus (thanks John)!!! let us embrace the Christ in one another, may we empty ourselves of us, who on our own are nothing! Let us discover the truth that Christ is in us and let that shape our lives!

For we are dead to sin, but ALIVE in Christ!

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